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熱愛日本文化而用日文喬裝的英國樂團 Fujiya & Miyagi 在今年交出了最新作品《Fujiya & Miyagi》,2000 年發跡的他們受七零年代德國Krautrock引響,在前面幾張作品都以詼諧的冷色調呢喃著抽象的詞句,就像把 vocal 變成樂器融在泡菜裡。 在2011年小白兔發行的《Ventriloquizzing》專輯後,樂團慢慢的將明亮面打開,多出了許多流行舞曲節奏,雖然如此,但他們最吸引人的「彆扭感」依舊存在,沒有人說不會跳舞的人不能用自己的方式跳舞。 (by William) Fujiya & Miyagi see in 2017 by wrapping up a unique year-long musical project that represents one of their most adventurous to date. EP3 joins the previous two to make up this album, a carefully staged project that sees the group traverse disco, electro, pop, and the now synonymous 1970s Germany-inspired groove they so seamlessly ooze. For album number six, the result is one that simultaneously captures the fizzy energy, elongated jams and melodic intuition of previous releases, whilst still cracking un-trodden ground.