★Joy Division前身樂隊Warsaw的初出茅廬之作,AMG四顆星評價
★收錄〈Transmission〉、〈Warsaw〉、〈Shadowplay〉、〈No Love Lost〉等作品
★超值加收五首Bonus歌曲,為1977年7月18日在曼徹斯特Pennine Sound Studios所錄製,曾以《Warsaw Demo》流傳於市
Side A
1. The Drawback
2. Leaders Of Men
3. They Walked In Line
4. Failures
5. Novelty
6. No Love Lost
7. Transmission
8. Living In The Ice Age
Side B
1. Interzone
2. Warsaw
3. Shadowplay
4. As You Said
Bonus Tracks
5. Inside The Line
6. Gutz
7. At A Later Date
8. The Kill
9. You’re No Good For Me