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年份 2022
藝人 Ty Segall
專輯   Hello, Hi (CD)
廠牌   Drag City
樂風   Alternative, Garage Rock, Indie Folk, Psychedelic, Psychedelic Rock

649 目前無存貨!

幾年前小白兔有一陣子是不管什麼時候來 Ty Segall 的專輯都會補齊齊的在架上,無論是他這個名字或是跑去尬其他人、跑去打鼓、跑去 OOXX 我們都進,記得那時候來店裡的外國人都說我們店裡的品項還比他家巷口的唱片行齊全,但突然有一天,我們就陸續開始忘記捕貨了,這張 2022 發行的新專輯,我們還是遲到了一年 XD。

死忠粉絲一定會融會貫通:這張專輯以《Goodbye Bread》和《Sleeper》的思維,混入《Freedom s Goblin》、《Manipulator》和《First Taste》的尖銳 fuzz 與迷幻,《Hello, Hi》可能是 Ty Segall 至今最輕鬆卻完整的作品,是一張同時有著退潮和漲潮,真實地記下他的音樂脈絡,那些似是而非的似是而非。

Tossing down straight acoustic shots with electric guitar back, "Hello, Hi" rides through the valley of yer ol Canyon legends, finding an isolated place to unspool Ty s copious reserves of nervous energy beneath an open sky. Swarms of harmony vocals caper among the clouds, but there is a rider on the horizon, crossbow trained upon his very heart: the engine driving all the relationships of life, whether down Broadway or over the cliffs at night! Whatever does not get killed is getting stronger all the time. A lean, mean deal, baked in saltwater and sunlight, compassion pouring out it is beautiful blue eyes.

Hello, Hi: welcome in to a new room to play the styles and feels that lie under Ty Segall s fingers, easing fresh air into acoustic space with an assortment of love songs flowering in righteous unconsciousness. Plaintive and wistful, but unafraid. Like rain washing away yesterday, Hello, Hi pushes open the door, inviting the new to pass through all the old shades and degrees of hot and cold. Dark paths turn off abruptly into absurd darkness, then wind back through the broken rocks, ecstatic again. Absurdity again. It happens everyday.

Hello, Hi is expansively rendered by Ty, mostly by himself, at home. The isolation suits the songs: you are only ever as “at home” as you are with yourself in the mirror. Ty s acoustic and electric guitars and vocal harmonies layer self upon self, forming a spiny backbone for the album. Textures at once gentle and dissonant root the songs as they make their move: melodic arcs convulsing in doubt and bliss and rage. Busting out of the endless gridlock into open space, these spirits pass on through.

Radiating from the same mind fields as Goodbye Bread and Sleeper, mixed with shard edges of contrast and contradiction from things like Freedom s Goblin, Manipulator, and First Taste, Hello, Hi is Ty s most relaxed and complete production to date, an ebb-and flow fusion of words and music offering abstraction and acceptance as it wrestles itself through a fucked-up time. Your life and what you make of it—throughout Hello, Hi, Ty Segall charts a passage through its enduring tangles honestly, with clarity and confusion.

TEL:02-2369 7915
營業時間:週一到週日 14:00-22:00
FAX:02-2369 7925
1F., No.1-1, Ln. 21, Pucheng St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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