it was july 1st of 2015. it was during a week while petr vrba staying at yan jun and qiao qiao s flat in beijing. yan jun s friend rain was visiting as well. with (sometimes without) qiao qiao and rain, they went to a bar called sos. they observed a living room concert after flood in lobby. they played at meridian space and another living room. they ate sushi and lamb shaomai. they taken off t-shirts at a hot pot restaurant after drunk some erguotou. they did online shopping, twice. they walk. they recorded this album at the flat with three windows opened. rain was listening and moving like a tree. while the tree leaves outside were moved by wind and (real) rain. rain s real name is hsia yu, the same pronunciation of raining. (words by the artists)
這是北京聲音藝術家顏峻與捷克詩人 petr 的合作,一張總體來說音量很小的專輯,也是本廠第一次推出所謂「極微」或「低限」的作品,聲音由宇波拓後製,封面由黃大旺繪製。要聆聽這類錄音,未必非得 擠出高度專注力,其實也可以將它當作背景,豐富(或故意干擾)手邊的作業。在這個輕鬆優雅的合作中,我們聽到了細微的電子反饋和不時竄出的即興原音聲響, 時大時小(是的,也有很大聲的段落)。其他更難聽到的,是顏峻演出時,在一旁聆聽和移動的友人,而後者已化作專輯名稱的一部份。