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  1. HYUKOH & 落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster
    AAA (Marbled Vinyl)

  2. 惘聞 Wang Wen
    八匹馬 Eight Horses - 2024 reissue

  3. 惘聞 Wang Wen
    0.7 - 2024 reissue

  4. 草東沒有派對 No Party For Cao Dong

  5. 昏鴉 The Murky Crows
    Lonely Uncle

  6. Leah Dou 竇靖童

  7. 惘聞 Wang Wen
    八匹馬 Eight Horses - 2024 reissue (Colored Vinyl)

  8. 草東沒有派對 No Party For Cao Dong
    瓦合 The Cold

  9. 惘聞 Wang Wen
    0.7 - 2024 reissue (Colored Vinyl)

  10. V.A(合輯)
    LOBO ONE 蘿蔔一代

  11. 橙草 Orangegrass

  12. White Wabbit Records 小白兔唱片
    小白兔飄耳托特包 - 2024 款

  13. 惘聞 Wang Wen
    昨日的聚會 - 25th Anniversary Live Collection

  14. 黃雨晴 Huang Yu Ching (Space Cake、強迫女孩)
    [限量簽名版] The Crystal Hum

  15. 惘聞 Wang Wen
    辛丑|壬寅 - 2024 reissue (Colored Vinyl)

  16. Clinic Stars
    Only Hinting

  17. Leah Dou 竇靖童
    春遊 (Colored Vinyl)

  18. Phum Viphurit

  19. GEZAN
    狂 KLUE

  20. 巨大的轟鳴 Gigantic Roar
    老子有的是時間 - 2024全新改版




年份 2025
藝人 parannoul 파란노을
專輯   [預購,延期至 3/25 發行] Sky Hundred (LP 12")
廠牌   POCLANOS 포크라노스
樂風   Alternative Rock, Bedroom, K-Indie, K-POP, Shoegaze

1450 加入購物車

Parannoul 4th full-length album [Sky Hundred] will be produced on vinyl.

Parannoeul has aroused worldwide interest with every work he has released since his debut. His music, which stimulates nostalgia based on shoegaze, has been receiving positive reviews from local indie scene as well as global media such as Pitchfork, Stereogum, and Rate Your Music. This latest work [Sky Hundred] is an album that surprised all listeners at 2024 Pentaport Rock Festival since he revealed its release news without any notice. This vinyl adds its value itself by being repackaged with re-arranged LP version tracks to suit vinyl physical feature.


Time passes no matter youre wandering or not. The people who seemed to always be here together are leaving, and the feelings I felt when I made my 2021 began to disappear. The more I hid the more I became exposed. I came out, but the pressure I made myself was abandoning me. I didnt want to see myself getting ugly in each memory, and I finally understood the real fear of nostalgia based on absence.

The sky is watching hundreds of me, and no one has answered in front of me what makes the difference between them and me. What will happen to those who are left behind? If the end of magic is something that everyone experiences, is there any meaning in falling? Hundred skies have shone brighter than me, and I think Ive grown too preciously to accept the truth and disappearance.

I dedicate this album to those who still listen to my songs, to my family, to those who have left, and to hundreds of me.

방황하고 있는데도 시간은 흘러만 갑니다. 곁에 늘 있어줄 것 같던 사람들은 하나둘 떠나가고, 2집을 만들 때 느낀 감정들은 사라져갑니다. 숨을수록 더욱 드러나기에 밖으로 나왔으나 스스로 만든 부담감이 저를 없애고 있었습니다. 저마다의 기억에서 추해지는 저의 모습을 보고 싶지 않았고, 비로소 부재에서 느끼는 노스탤지어의 무서움을 알아버렸습니다.

하늘은 수백의 저를 보고 있고, 그들과 제가 과연 무엇이 다른지 아무도 제 앞에서 대답하지 못했습니다. 남겨진 자들은 어떻게 되는 걸까요? 마법이 끝나는 게 누구나 겪는 일이라면, 넘어짐에 의미가 있는 걸까요? 수많은 하늘은 저보다 빛났고, 진실과 사라짐을 직접 받아들이기엔 그동안 너무 소중하게 자라왔던 것 같습니다.

여전히 제 노래를 들어주시는 분들, 제 가족들, 떠나간 것들, 그리고 수백의 저에게 이 앨범을 바칩니다.

[Track List]

01. 야경 (A Lot Can Happen)
02. 황금빛 강 (Gold River)
03. Maybe Somewhere
04. 고통없이 (Painless)
05. 암전고백 (Lights Off Repentance)
06. Evoke Me (LP version)
07. 시계 (Backwards) (LP version)
08. 환상 (Fantasy) (LP version)

TEL:02-2369 7915
營業時間:週一到週日 14:00-22:00
FAX:02-2369 7925
1F., No.1-1, Ln. 21, Pucheng St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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