★ 1995 年 TV 版新世紀福音戰士動畫原聲帶
★ 日本知名作曲家/配樂家 鷺巢詩郎負責配樂製作
★ 收錄片頭曲〈殘酷天使的行動綱領〉、片尾曲〈Fly Me to the Moon 〉
★ 雙片裝,深藍混黑大理石紋彩膠
LP 1
1. A Cruel Angel Thesis (Director Edit Version)
2. Angel Attack
3. Rei I
4. Hedgehog Dilemma
5. Barefoot In the Park
6. Ritsuko
7. Misato
8. Asuka Strikes!
9. Nerv
10. Tokyo-3
LP 2
1. I. Shinji
2. Eva-01
3. A Step Forward Into Terror
4. Eva-02
5. Decisive Battle
6. Eva-00
7. The Beast
8. Marking Time, Waiting For Death
9. Rei Ii
10. Fly Me To the Moon (Instrumental Version)
11. Next Episode
12. Fly Me To the Moon (Yoko Takahashi Acid Bossa Version)