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年份 2018
藝人 Mien
專輯   Mien (CD)
廠牌   Rocket Recordings
樂風   Alternative, Neo-Psychedelia

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Mien是個振奮人心的組合,由The Black Angels的Alex Maas擔任主唱、The Horrors的Tom Furse、The Earlies的John-Mark Lapham操作電子琴及編製歌曲、Elephant Stone的Rishi Dhir擔任貝斯手及西塔琴、電子琴彈奏,Rocket迷幻、造音、實驗音樂廠牌當然是迫不及待這張同名專輯的發行。 這團其妙的組合源自於2004年當Rishi還在上個團中,一個SXSW的演出遇上了Alex,過不久,因為同樣都喜愛西塔琴演奏經典The Association“ Wantin Aint Gettin",Rishi和電子創作權威、音樂製作人John-mark結識。幾年後,Rishi因為跟著The Black Angels彈貝斯演出,過程和The Horrors有幾次共演,而Mien夠迷幻夠野的搖滾靈魂,因最後一塊拼圖的找齊也就是Tom被完整了。

首張專輯也是同名專輯《Mien》於2018年發行,裝載著四個人各自的基底,同時藉由密不可分的連結,共同嘗試著突破創作的延展性。整張專輯充滿了由律動推進的生命,從第一首”Earth Moon”沉穩厚重的成熟楷模,”Hocus Pocus”青年時期的衝撞、叛逆,到”Odessey”如小孩子裝可愛時的反覆童語,敘述著生命是進前,同時也是倒著走的。專輯的另一面被陰鬱的作曲朦朧地籠罩著,"You Dreamt"、”Other”除了產生聽眾們聽力的幻覺,強而有力的合成效果,更是讓人不由自主地滯留在如真似幻的異地想像中。”Ropes”一曲圈出了Rishi的印度古典西塔琴的亮眼表現,如此濃烈、緊密的編曲及演奏,開拓了不僅僅是四位音樂人的音樂領土,更是飽足人們在迷幻音樂中摸索的渴望。


Rocket Recordings are pleased to reveal the self-titled debut album by MIEN, the exciting new four piece band comprised of The Black Angels’ Alex Maas, The Horrors’ Tom Furse, Elephant Stone’s Rishi Dhir and The Earlies’ John-Mark Lapham.

The seeds were sown for this collaboration as long ago as 2004, when Rishi Dhir (Elephant Stone) found himself in a chance encounter with Black Angels frontman Alex Maas whilst performing sitar with his former band on a bill at SXSW in Austin with The Brian Jonestown Massacre. Not long afterwards, he would also stumble across electronics guru and producer John Mark Lapham from Anglo-American band The Earlies, via a shared love for one song - the ‘classic sitar banger’ byThe Association, ‘Wantin’ Ain’t Gettin’.

Some years later, another piece of the puzzle came into place, when Dhir was now playing bass with The Black Angels in 2012, and found the band sharing several bills with The Horrors. Thus he made the acquaintance of Tom Furse, and yet another pact was made to work together.

Several traversals of the globe by both plane and audio- le later, the result is an album that sees this quartet transcending their origins whilst maintaining a cohesive unity borne of a desire for outward exploration. John Mark’s vision, as he puts it, was “imagine the Black Angels as Nico in her 80’s industrial phase mixed with George Harrison and Conny Plank.” - true to form,it’s an album that nds equal room for radiant groove-based propulsion and ambient dreamscapes alike - as comfortable with the murky hallucinogenic voyage of ‘You Dreamt’ as the powerful widescreen sweep of ‘(I’m Tired Of) Western Shouting’, yet with songwriting acumen as potent as the production values are expansive and exploratory.

This may have been a record put together at a distance - yet the chemistry between these four gures is manifest amidst a kaleidoscopic series of atmospheres and excursions whereby the fertile songwriting of the golden age of ‘60s psychedelia is transmitted into a transcendental realm above and beyond the second decade of the 21st century.

MIEN are: Alex Maas (vocals, samples, loops), Tom Furse (keyboards, programming), Rishi Dhir (bass, sitar, keyboards) and John-Mark Lapham (keyboards, samples, programming).

TEL:02-2369 7915
營業時間:週一到週日 14:00-22:00
FAX:02-2369 7925
1F., No.1-1, Ln. 21, Pucheng St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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