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年份 2024
藝人 Linkin Park
專輯   Papercuts (Singles Collection 2000–2023) (CD)
樂風   Nu-Metal, pop, Rap

599 目前無存貨!

貫徹混種主張,地表態度最狂,本世紀最偉大的搖滾天團Linkin Park發行首張精選!

★史上首組YouTube 35億點播達陣搖滾勁旅
★公信力的搖滾/重金屬雜誌Kerrang! 『全球最重要的搖滾樂團』

21世紀最成功新變種搖滾天團Linkin Park,締造全球破億銷售量,拿下兩座葛萊美獎肯定,在正規主唱/吉他/貝斯/鼓(鍵盤)編制中,加入DJ手職務,將Nu-Metal風潮引領至最高峰,霸氣成為新世代搖滾惡勢力、全球新世代搖滾迷的信仰,更為年輕化的金屬搖滾氣流,增添難以馴服氣焰!

首張精選輯收錄20首歌曲,除了回顧歷年攻榜暢銷曲目之外,追加於2017年錄製未曾發表單曲〈Friendly Fire〉,還有深受樂迷喜愛的罕見之作〈QWERTY〉特別典藏。珍貴的〈Lost〉,則是從《Meteora》20週年豪華版的加值特輯《Lost Demos》中,抽出獨立發行的主打歌!重現多元性格的混合理論,離世7年的Chester Bennington招牌吶喊歌聲,將在此張精選中重生!
Papercuts standard softpack compact disc.

Papercuts is the first singles collection from innovative musical force Linkin Park. The career-spanning 20-track album compiles 18 essential anthems, plus the never-before-released track “Friendly Fire” recorded during the 2017 sessions for their seventh album One More Light and fan-favorite rarity “QWERTY.”

Linkin Park were inspired to thoughtfully curate Papercuts by their fans passionate reception of the 20th Anniversary Editions of Hybrid Theory in 2020 and Meteora last year. That enthusiasm led to this comprehensive retrospective of the band journey so far in the span of one album.

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FAX:02-2369 7925
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