法國實驗音樂家 Laurent Jeanneau 化名的 Kink Gong 自 90 年代開始運作,整體的作品分為兩條主線,一是東南亞少數民族的聲音收集,另一則是以他所搜集的聲音素材去重整、拼貼建購實驗音景。
《Xinjiang》是他在 2009 年餘中國最大的省份新疆所錄製的,各式傳統音樂 / 樂器與即興音樂的大融合,詭異且令人興奮。
Kink Gong aka Laurent Jeanneau is a Field Recording artist based in Dali, China. He spends his time recording ethnic minority music, mostly in Southeast Asia and releasing the results on his own CDr label, Kink Gong Recordings as well as occasionally contributing to Sublime Frequencies compilations. He also composes electronic music that includes and transforms those recordings.
For Xinjiang, Laurent based his soundscape around the recordings he made on a 2009 trip to the frontier region of Northern China, Xinjiang. Spreading from Mongolia to Afghanistan, it is the biggest Chinese province. From various locally made recordings, including Kazakh Dongbra jams, Uyghur Dotar riffs and various regional radio interferences, Laurent constructed a melting pot of ethnic related weirdness packed with mind blowing virtuoso recordings.
Simple and beautiful, this music makes people fall into visionary reality.
A1. AT (horse)
A2. KHOSA (sheep)
B2. KIKZU ( Kazakh Hut )