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年份 2023
藝人 Karen Dalton
專輯   Its So Hard to Tell Who Going to Love You the Best (LP 12")
廠牌   Light in the Attic
樂風   Blues, Folk, Jazz

1270 目前無存貨!

Bob Dylan最愛之一!唱腔媲美Billie Holiday、彈琴有如Jimmy Reed。

在60年代末民謠風潮逐漸式微之際,在 Fred Neil 的鼓勵下錄製了首張以翻唱為主的專輯《It’s So Hard to Tell Who’s Going to Love You the Best》,錄音的初衷甚至是為了Fred Neil希望個人收藏,而即便在1971年發行了第二張《In My Own Time》,也因為宣傳不足沒有獲得太大的迴響。

Karen Dalton不迎合市場,在民謠中混合藍調、爵士、鄉村,她內斂、沙啞、獨特的嗓音,以及深沉的情感橫空出世,近乎靠著實力,沒有過度的製作或精雕細琢,絕對是地下經典。

Karen Dalton在晚年過著隱居的生活,於1993年病逝。2021年她的傳記紀錄片發行,提及在一次大火中燒毀了大多未發行的錄音及檔案,而唱片廠牌Light in the Attic透過其家人和朋友提供的原始素材進行重建,《In My Own Time》也發行了50週年紀念版。

〈Something on Your Mind〉是店員私心的口袋歌之一,請務必將最後重擊心臟的憂傷小提琴聽完!

也另外推薦給年輕世代,收錄於未發行的現場演出專輯《Shuckin Sugar》的翻唱曲〈In the Pines〉,這首即是Nirvana在MTV Unplugged翻唱的〈Where Did You Sleep Last Night〉


“My favorite singer in the place was Karen Dalton. She had a voice like Billie Holiday and played the guitar like Jimmy Reed.” – Bob Dylan

Karen Dalton 1969 Capitol debut is finally back in print! Light in the Attic is thrilled to present a brand new edition of this heart-wrenching & bluesy introduction to the intoxicating world of Dalton and her deep well of musical secrets.

World-weary and filled with the blues, Dalton unsurpassed interpretive depth and emotional range were like no other. Recorded for Capitol in 1969, Its So Hard To Tell Who Going To Love You The Best spans generations of classic American songwriting–covering classics by Lead Belly, Fred Neil, and Tim Hardin. While no longer with us in the physical, Karen growing musical presence is stronger than ever and worthy of re-examination by both the converted and the uninitiated alike. This new re-release serves as the definitive, all-analog version of Dalton stunning debut, featuring remastered audio from the original Capitol masters, the original 1969 artwork in an expanded gatefold jacket, unseen photos by album photographer Joel Brodsky, and an essay interviewing Karen friends and music collaborators, from album producer and bassist Harvey Brooks to musician Peter Stampfel of the Holy Modal Rounders.

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營業時間:週一到週日 14:00-22:00
FAX:02-2369 7925
1F., No.1-1, Ln. 21, Pucheng St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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