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年份 2018
藝人 Jean-Michel Blais
專輯   Dans ma main (日版) (CD)
廠牌   p*dis
樂風   Minimal, Neo Classic, Piano

599 目前無存貨!

Dans ma main, the sophomore release by pianist and composer Jean-Michel Blais, is an expansive album of post-classical piano with strands of electronic detail. Blending his conservatory skill and precise pop sensibility with synthetic accompaniment, Blais creates unique environments where the piano s intimacy can be subtly disrupted at any time.

Dans ma main weaves together expressive piano with austere synths in a double-helix of acoustic and electronic arpeggiation, tethering techno, industrial, ambient, and new age music to Blais solo piano essence.

Dans ma main explores an everyday life awash in spirituality, stemming from Blais interplay with music as therapy. Compelled by the cathartic air that audiences exude in his pin-drop performances, Blais considers how music has served as a tool of wellness in his own life. From his prior career in special education, to the role classical and ambient music played soothing the Tourettic symptoms he experienced as a child, Jean-Michel s new compositions subconsciously call upon these periods of his life, reimagining a serenity he had only experienced seated at the piano.

Decidedly not limited to the keys as his compositional palette, Blais music is imbued with an emotional depth that belies its wordlessness. His playing and composition are poetic in themselves, with an inspired understanding of the inherent lyricism in instrumental music.

The result, as Blais body of work unfurls, is the creation of a new musical forum where freshly sounded notes bounce back instantly with the magic and wisdom of shared space. Dans ma main captures but one moment of this infinite lineage, but with it comes the reminder of all the energy we hold in our own hands, in this moment. As Blais says: “Like pieces of an unclear puzzle, a melting mirror, hope lays right there, into our singular hands, with which we love, we fail, we pray, we steal, we give, we try, we pay, we pluck, we muff, we scratch, we touch, we play, we hold each others hands.”

チリー・ゴンザレスの系譜を引き継ぐピアニスト ジャン-ミッシェル・ブレによる

クラシックから学んだ正確な技術と、ポップな感覚を融合させた独特のピアノセンスは今作で大きく開花しました。自宅のプライベートな環境で制作されたピアノソロ作品『イル』で鮮烈なデビューを果たし、チリー・ゴンザレスの後継者として名門レーベルArts & Craftsから大きな後押しを受けた彼がヨーロッパ/北米ツアーの後に取りかかった新たな指針。ベルリン/南米での生活など様々な環境下に自らを置き、そこで得た経験を昇華した作品に取り組んで来た彼が目指したのはピアノの新たな可能性。それはニルス・フラームの考えとも同期するエレクトロニック・ミュージックやアンビエントといった音楽との自由な邂逅。今までの優雅なソロピアノ作品に自然に取り込まれたサウンドは新しいモダン・ミュージックの形として大きな評価を受けるでしょう。

Track listing:
4.dans ma main
9.a heartbeat away

TEL:02-2369 7915
營業時間:週一到週日 14:00-22:00
FAX:02-2369 7925
1F., No.1-1, Ln. 21, Pucheng St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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