石橋英子是位細膩的音樂創作者,同時也能演奏多種樂器,《Imitation of Life》由實驗音樂鬼才 jim O Rourke 製作,也找來了 與 Joanna Newsom、Wilco 和 Sonic Youth 等... 多位音樂家來合作,是張具有科幻色彩的蓬鬆爵士作品,如果你是從《在車上 Drive My Car》的配樂認識到她,那這張專輯絕對不能放過。
O Rourke does Ishibashi! This Imitiation is her western bow, plus also a progressive sci-fi pop album featuring the best playing on any albums released in Japan in 2012. New music, no matter in what year you hear it!