Bonnie "Prince" Billy 是美國唱作人 Will Oldham 的化名,從 1993 年開始,一路上有著許多不同的別名,跨足了另類搖滾、民謠、迷幻、鄉村、古典等... 多種風格,以他獨特的聲線與寫詞能力深入的探討生命、愛情以及人性。
《Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You》集結了多位優秀的弦樂、鍵盤、曼陀林、薩克斯風音樂家合作,以能主宰各種音樂風格的 Bonnie "Prince" Billy 為中心點共同創作,他就像整張專輯的共同靈感核心,在大家相互的情感共鳴創造下,讓民謠音樂進入了一個美麗的層次。
Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You presents simply – an album made as it was meant to be heard, in a room. The sound of people together – a sound wed so recently feared that wed lost – playing, communing, strings and wood and keys and voices singing. KSWDY presents simply, and is sung along easily and happily with in time BUT --is it family portrait or fairy tale? How does it think the world was made, and will end?
Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You was recorded in Louisville by Nick Roeder, featuring Sara Louise Callaway on violin, Kendall Carter on keys, Elisabeth Fuchsia on viola and violin, Dave Howard on Mandolin, Drew Miller on saxophone and Dane Waters voice. The presence of so many local players and music educators in the band lends not only to a flow of moments so fluidly encompassing of a wide range of musics from classical to Japanese acid folk and elsewhere, but perhaps even more importantly, to the sense of community, heredity and the triumph of inheritance that is the marrow and life blood of this music.