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年份 2021
藝人 Atsuko Hatano 波多野敦子
專輯   Cells#5 (CD)
廠牌   triola
樂風   Avant-Garde, Experimental

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The second installment of the "Cells Music" series will feature a variety of guests.
The second installment of the "Cells Music" series will feature a string musician who plays the violin, viola, and cello, and is active in a wide range of fields from the popular
Atsuko Hatano is a string player who plays violin, viola, cello, and other stringed instruments in a wide range of fields from popular music to experimental and improvisational music.
Atsuko Hatano has been active in a wide range of fields from popular music to experimental and improvisational music scene as a string player who plays violin, viola, cello, and other instruments. Cells #5" is the second album in the series. The series, of which the first installment "Cells #2" was released in 2017, aims to transform attachment to aggregates such as slime molds and beehives, or "trypophilia," into music, and by layering or minimally interlocking countless recorded sound materials, the result is an ensemble sound that is a dynamic assemblage. The result is a dynamic collective ensemble sound. (The series was originally conceived as a seven-piece work series, and a study for the third installment, "Cells #7," is available on her Bandcamp site as a reworking of previous recordings.)
Compared to the previous album, which was mainly long tracks clocking in at just under 20 minutes, this album is noteworthy for its relatively short tracks and, most importantly, for the variety of guests on each track. Yuko Ikoma accordion, which repeats waltz-like three-beat phrases, icchie trumpet and Natsumi Kudo horn, which sometimes sing generous melodies, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto drums, which gradually exude rhythmic beats, and Eiko Ishibashi lyrical and image-evoking piano are also worth listening to. The string ensemble, which embraces the sounds of these guests as part of itself, proliferating and transforming itself, is also a wonderful thing to hear. The precise movement of sound that can be heard by paying attention to it microscopically, and the flow of sound that changes slowly from a macroscopic point of view as they come together, is like a living organism that has no predetermined organs. Human society, too, is a rhizome of individual and singular lives, which bring about a rhizome of change to the whole. The production of this disc took about four years, and it is precisely in this time of physical and mental isolation that the significance of this work, which leads our thoughts toward the organic relationship and collaboration of the individual and the whole, becomes even more important.
text: Naritsugu Hosoda

Cells Music(=細胞音楽)〉シリーズ第二弾は、多彩なゲストと共に
ヴァイオリン、ヴィオラ、チェロなどを扱う弦楽器奏者としてポピュラー・フィールドから実験的/即興的な音楽シーンにいたるまで多岐にわたる領域で活躍する彼女が、2014年頃より開始した弦楽多重録音オーケストラの〈Cells Music(=細胞音楽)〉シリーズ。『Cells #5』はその第二弾となるアルバムだ。 2017年に第一弾『Cells #2』が発表された同シリーズでは、粘菌や蜂の巣のような集 合体に対する愛着、いわばトライポフィリアを音楽へと転換することが目論まれて おり、録音された無数の音素材を重ね合わせ、あるいはミニマルに連ねることに よって、結果的にダイナミックな集合体としてのアンサンブル・サウンドを生み出 している。(なお、同シリーズは当初より全7作品が構想されており、今作に続く第 三弾となる『Cells #7』に向けた習作として過去の録音を再構築した作品が彼女の Bandcampでは公開されている)
前作では20分弱の長尺トラックがメインだったことと比べれば、今作では比較的短 い楽曲として各トラックがまとめられていること、そして何よりも楽曲ごとに多彩 なゲストを迎えていることが特筆に価する。ワルツのような三拍子のフレーズを繰 り返す生駒祐子のアコーディオン、時におおらかなメロディーを歌い上げるicchieの トランペットや工藤夏海のホルン、あるいは徐々にリズミカルなビートを滲ませて いく山本達久のドラムス、そして叙情的で映像を喚起する石橋英子のピアノも聴き どころだが、そうしたゲストたちが発する音を包み込むように自己の一部として取 り入れて増殖/変容していく弦楽アンサンブルがやはり素晴らしい。微視的に着目 することで聴こえてくる緻密な音の動きと、それらが集合することで巨視的には緩 慢に変化するサウンドの流れは、あらかじめ決められた器官を持たない生き物のよ うでもある。人間社会もまた、個々の特異な人生が集合することでリゾーム状の変 化を全体にもたらす。本盤は制作に約4年が費やされたそうだが、身体的にも精神的 にも隔離されつつある現在こそ、個と全体の有機的な関わり合いそして協働性へと 思考を導く本作の意義は、より一層重要なものとしてあるとは言えないか。
text : 細田成嗣

Played by Atsuko Hatano :
Violin, Viola, Cello, Contrabass, Piano (track1), Xylophone, Oscillator and Chorus

Guest Musicians
Eiko Ishibashi : Piano (track3 and 6), Marimba and Vibraphone (track2) Yuko Ikoma : Accordion (track1 and 3)
Natsumi Kudo : Horn and Flugelhorn (track2 and 5)
Icchie : icchie : Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Piccolo Trumpet (track2 and 5) Tatsuhisa Yamamoto : Snare Drum (track4)

Composed and Mixed by Atsuko Hatano
Mastered by Jim O Rourke
Cover Work by Saskia Griepink

Recorded at Studio Hoshi To Niji Studio, Studio Microbe and GLAN FABRIQUE (track1)

Special Thanks to Itsuko Hashigaki, Kafka, Tomonobu Kawakami, Terukuni Makabe, Ako and Nakadam

Atsuko Hatano is a contemporay classical Viola player who works with electronics to add textures and layers to her sound. Located in Tokyo, Japan, she is a commanding instrumentalist and composer who constructs innovative compositions with strings and layered electronics......

...Cells #5 is an orchestral collection and sequel to her previous album Cells #2 which will also be released on cassette via Imprec Cassauna label. Cells #5 required three years to complete and the work features the artist signature methodology where the instrumental performances are gradually enveloped by multiple layers of a string orchestration.

When not playing solo Atsuko is extremely active recording, collaborating and playing live with Jim O Rourke, Eiko Ishibashi, Mocky and many more acts.

TEL:02-2369 7915
營業時間:週一到週日 14:00-22:00
FAX:02-2369 7925
1F., No.1-1, Ln. 21, Pucheng St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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