敘事上,《Reflektor》的概念主要來自希臘神話中七弦琴神奧菲斯和水神尤李狄絲的悲劇,從〈Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice)〉和〈Its Never Over (Oh Orpheus)〉兩首曲來看,〈awful sound〉尤李狄絲倒地死亡的聲音(Its the awful sound when you hit the ground)可以對應到現代人踏入新世紀的無聲焦慮(You and I were born in a little town before the awful sound started coming down)。
承接前作《The Suburbs》, Win Butler仍在追悼那個比較純真,人與人不需倚賴科技或網路社群連結彼此的時代,並藉由奧菲斯和尤李狄絲的相遇到分隔,對應過去三張專輯的題旨,像是死亡、救贖、信仰、疏離...等等,透過故事裡一再出現的反射鏡象(水、兩神一生一死的狀態、冥河)確立連繫。同名曲〈Reflektor〉唱道We fell in love when I was nineteen and I was staring at a screen,以為自己透過螢幕找到了對方,實際上找到的只是自己(I thought I found the connector Its just a reflector Will I see you on the other side?)。