The limited edition CD book replicates the notebook lead singer and lyricist Joe used to write The Dream, featuring his original handwritten lyrics, notes and doodles.
雖然沾染Folktronica風格,卻也能即興把玩迷幻、嘻哈等獨到混搭,大膽且前衛概念走向令人激賞不已的alt-J,因在蘋果電腦鍵盤上可以用alt和J打出代表變化的三角形,就此命名的alt-J (∆)。2012年發行首張大碟《An Awesome Wave》,一舉拿下水星音樂和BBC Radio 6「年度專輯」獎肯定,更一口氣入圍全英音樂「英國新人」、「年度英國專輯」、「年度英國團體」的榮耀!睽違四年推出第四張錄音室專輯《The Dream》,糾纏著哀傷孤冷所堆砌出的音場,同時不設下風格界線,交錯豐富多變的氣流!
1. Bane
2. U&ME
3. Hard Drive Gold
4. Happier When You re Gone
5. The Actor
6. Get Better
7. Chicago
8. Philadelphia
9. Walk a Mile
10. Delta
11. Losing My Mind
12. Powders
The Dream is an album of intrigue, beauty and humanity - a coalescence of everything that has made alt-J a global band with true staying power. True-crime inspired stories and tales of Hollywood and the Chateau Marmont rub shoulders with some of the bands most personal moments to-date. The album was created after a period of rest for the band following their seismic world tour in support of previous record RELAXER. It is a record that is the sound of a band growing as songwriters and storytellers.