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  1. 透明雜誌
    透明雜誌 Forever (2020 再版)

  2. White Wabbit Records 小白兔唱片
    小白兔飄耳托特包 - 2024 款

  3. Andr
    shhh, its under my bed

  4. ADOY
    us (Transparent Yellow Vinyl)

  5. HYUKOH & 落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster
    AAA (Marbled Vinyl)

  6. Ichiko Aoba 青葉市子
    Luminescent Creatures (Ocean Blue Vinyl)

  7. Leah Dou 竇靖童
    春遊 (Colored Vinyl)

  8. HYUKOH & 落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster

  9. 草東沒有派對 No Party For Cao Dong
    瓦合 The Cold

  10. American Football
    American Football LP1 - Deluxe Edition

  11. 落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster
    半熟王子 Cassa Nova

  12. 透明雜誌
    我們的靈魂樂 - 2020 再版

  13. 當代電影大師 Modern Cinema Master
    你在注視那遙遠的地方 Where Are We Now

  14. Enno Cheng 鄭宜農
    給天王星 (彩膠)

  15. Cigarettes After Sex
    Xs (Crystal Clear Vinyl)

  16. toe
    Now I See The Light (Summer Sea Blue Vinyl)

  17. Phum Viphurit
    Bangkok Balter Club (Light Yellow Vinyl)

  18. Blueburn
    Type The Way You Talk

  19. 無妄合作社 No-nonsense Collective

  20. 陳嫺靜 Hsien Ching
    如果每天都可以 happy happy 誰想要sad:)) – 一起去度假




sub pop
Alan Sparhawk (From Low)
Alan Sparhawk (From Low)
Album Leaf,the
Album Leaf,the
White Roses, My God (Clear Vinyl) White Roses, My God Into the Blue Again In a Safe Place
...》》 ...》》 ...》》 ...》》
949 加入購物車 499 549 499


Album Leaf,the
All Night Radio
Amen Dunes
Amen Dunes
In a Safe Place Spirit Stereo Frequency Death Jokes Death Jokes (Loser Edition)
...》》 ...》》 ...》》 ...》》
749 529 499 1150 加入購物車


Avi Buffalo
Avi Buffalo
Band of Horses
Band of Horses
Avi Buffalo Avi Buffalo Everything All The Time Everything All the Time
...》》 ...》》 ...》》 ...》》
499 加入購物車 599 799 499


Band of Horses
Beach House(海灘小屋)
Beach House(海灘小屋)
Beach House(海灘小屋)
Cease to Begin Become (卡帶) Become Become
...》》 ...》》 ...》》 ...》》
549 399 加入購物車 449 加入購物車 799


Beach House(海灘小屋)
Beach House(海灘小屋)
Beach House(海灘小屋)
Beach House(海灘小屋)
Once Twice Melody (Silver Edition) Once Twice Melody (2CD) Once Twice Melody (Limited GOLD Edition) Once Twice Melody (卡帶)
...》》 ...》》 ...》》 ...》》
999 599 加入購物車 1700 549



TEL:02-2369 7915
營業時間:週一到週日 14:00-22:00
FAX:02-2369 7925
1F., No.1-1, Ln. 21, Pucheng St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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